Thursday 27 February 2020

It’s Our 3rd Year Of Anniversary at Hope Alive Foundation

We started with a few but now we are many, not only in numbers but also in affecting humanity positively,touching lives and making the world a better place. 
It’s not just a corporate anniversary, it’s an anniversary of a family that only grew strong defying the odds. Happy anniversary!

Let's hope for the best in the coming years in making more impact ! 
Let's make this day a big one for each one of us! 
Our dedication and creativity can only be matched with an unquenchable thirst for success in sustainable change and affecting lives .

Congratulations to us on our 3rd Year Anniversary At HOPE ALIVE FOUNDATION!

Follow us :
Instagram: @officialhopealivefoundation
Facebook: @officialhopealivefoundation
Twitter: @officialhopefound8



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